Zelia Mc
Status offline
IP play.zeliamc.fr
Website http://www.zeliamc.fr
Players 0/0
Rank 27001
Votes 0
Uptime 100%
Last Check 2 year(s) ago
Types PvPSkyblock

Zelia Mc

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Hi, would you like me to introduce you to a new minecraft server that is in Beta? Yes ?! So listen

To begin, this server is French speaking and created by Rekesy & tomaveclevdsl who are still developing it and building it thanks to a committed staff.

For now, the server has 2 game modes: PvP Practice and SkyBlock. Another one, The PvP Box, is under development.

Join us ? -> discord.zeliamc.fr & play.zeliamc.fr

We also have a website: www.zeliamc.fr and a shop to support us by buying grades or tags: shop.zeliamc.fr!

We are looking for motivated people to join the staff, including moderators and builders, to join our discord server and answer the form! (All spoken languages acepted, put please write your application in english)

Do not hesitate to join a maximum, to help us to make ourselves known and the server too!