Status offline
IP play.voidnation.net
Website http://
Players 0/0
Rank 26222
Votes 0
Uptime 100%
Last Check 2 year(s) ago
Country United Kingdom
Types FactionsMCMMOPixelmonRaiding

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Here at VoidNation, we offer a unique experience to the world of factions that include multiple things such as McMMO, Vote Parties, and in-game cash Rank-ups. With the whole rankup concept, our players that don't have the money to buy a donation rank, will be able to pay for a rank using in-game cash.

For our donor ranks, we offer fair, your moneys worth kits, and perks, so that everything is balanced with the economy and people that actually earn their things. ALL donations will be directly put towards making our server, a much better home for our players.
There will also be an upcoming website everyone can look forward too, in which people can apply on, and have forum games etc.

All Staff Members are hand picked, which means there is no need for applying, you just have to stay active, play the game, and help others if you're looking to become a staff member, and we're always watching.
Be sure to come check us out and join the community here at VoidNation!
IP: play.voidnation.net