Status online
IP undertackmc.tk
Website http://
Players 0/0
Version 1.8.8
Rank 7732
Votes 0
Uptime 100%
Last Check 2 year(s) ago
Types ParkourPvP


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UndertackMC is a new minecraft KitPvP server! It might look very basic, without a lot of features, but trust me. It is the most fun KitPvP server you will join today. JOIN NOW AND YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT. Everytime you get a kill you get $10 and everytime you die you loose $1. You can buy EPIK (yes without a c) items from the item shop and weird, op, and original kits from the kits gui! If the server owner is online, be prepared to see some random stuff cause you might get rickrolled, or you might win a rank. JOIN NOW!!!!! UNDERTACKMC.TK BABYYYYY