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Rank 23699
Votes 0
Uptime 100%
Last Check 2 year(s) ago
Types Vanilla


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We need active ADULT ages 18 and older, who want to be apart of a community. (Yes we understand adulting is a very busy life also)
The map includes the following:
One person sleep, Disabled enderman griefing; Dragon egg, head, and elytra when dragon is killed. Xisumavoid's More Mob Heads, Even More Mob Heads. Entity cramming is default, HermitCraft advancement pack, max dungeons.
RULES ~ Basically, Don't be a douchebag!
APPLICATION ~ The server is whitelist only.
Please send in a private message through discord. Info below App.
Discord Username:
Timezone Location:
How long have you been playing MC?
Why do you want to join the server?
What do you think your best feats are in MC?
If you watch Hermitcraft, who inspires you if not, what inspires you?
Send an application to End0Skeleton 1315 in discord. Thank you!