Status online
Players 0/123
Version 1.8.8
Rank 6815
Votes 0
Uptime 100%
Last Check 2 year(s) ago
Country United States
Types MCMMOPvESkyblock


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"You start on a tiny island with almost nothing and quickly start unlocking and collecting resources, expand their island, combat monsters, then create farms and explore all their options." Skyland is a private Skyblock server that includes almost everything that Hypixel Skyblock has! We try our best to mimic a Hypixel Skyblock experience while keeping the server less crowded!
List of the most popular features on Skyland:
- Leveling System and Attributes
- 200+ Unlockable Recipes and 300+ Unlockable Collections
- Discoverable Zones and Hub Island!
- Bank System with Interest
- Bazaar Auction, and Dark Auction System
- Custom Enchants, Mobs, Items and Pets
- Skyblock Player Menu
- Working minions and Colosseum!
and more exclusive features that isn't listed up here!