Simple Survival
Status online
Players 1/50
Version 1.18.2
Rank 1627
Votes 0
Uptime 100%
Last Check 2 year(s) ago
Country United States
Types EconomyPvESurvivalVanilla

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Simple Survival

Stop playing on servers hosted by inexperienced children.

Stop being bossed around by abusive and corrupt staff.

Take the next step.

Come to Simple Survival - where you'll see a newer side of Minecraft - a side that isn't full of hacking children and immature staff. Our staff know what they're doing - and they'll deal with everyone fairly.

Donating doesn't mean you're the top player - we treat ALL players equally. We believe that being a donor has it's perks however this doesn't mean you can hack and get away with it. Just because you're a donor doesn't mean you don't have to follow the rules!