Status offline
Players 0/0
Rank 19756
Votes 0
Uptime 100%
Last Check 3 year(s) ago
Country United Kingdom
Types HardcoreKitPvPMCMMOParkourPvPSkyblock


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Welcome to NorthernNetwork!
Northern is a server comprising of skyblock and kitpvp, and a once a month UHC. Our server is unique, in that the skyblock experience is generic, but has a PVP element to it! Kitpvp is 1.8 pvp, ensuting the best experience.

I believe that there is no such thing as a minecraft server without a community, and that's why we've started and hosted this server! To meet new people, and to invite them onto a friendly server where they can enjoy skyblock and kitpvp along with us.

UHC is at the beginning of each month, and costs $2.50 to take part in, for a team of two. The UHC is slightly different, in that natural regeneration is actually enabled. The winner can win money up to $14.00!!