Status online
IP mc.minelegend.net
Website http://minelegend.net/
Players 87/1000
Version 1.18
Rank 181
Votes 0
Uptime 100%
Last Check 2 year(s) ago
Country Ukraine
Types EconomyFactionsHardcoreParkourSurvivalVanilla


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Our Grief mode has:
- Griefing with pistons is included!
- Clan wars, fight between clans in a special arena - /clan
- Unique quests with a reward for completing - /warp krab
- AirDrop drops every 2 hours, it contains donat items
- Duel to fight with players in the arena - /duel
- Lottery if you suddenly want to try your luck - /warp lottery
- Alchemist where you can cross your potions - /warp alh
- Chat game where you can earn money
- Auction, Buyer, Unique items, Bank, Casino, RTP
- Many types zf jobs - /jobs
Version: 1.8-1.17
IP: mc.minelegend.net
Website: http://minelegend.ru/