LostBuilder network
Status online
IP lostbuilder.serveminecraft.net
Website http://
Players 0/20
Version 1.18.2
Rank 4833
Votes 0
Uptime 100%
Last Check 2 year(s) ago
Country United States
Types HardcorePvPSurvival

LostBuilder network

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Lost Builders is a Vanilla plus more server where there are new monsters in a new dimension that you can fight after freeing the end. We sometimes have special events. The new features include a new dimension that comes with new weapons, this does not need any mods or resource packs it all works in pure vanilla.

Que is enabled which makes it appear that only one player can join but the max players is actually 20

This server also uses Amplified Terrain generation

Concerns about Hacking: I do allow it but if I get complaints from two or more players, that are not connected, a multitude of times about you repeatedly killing them, making the game unplayable for them, or just ruining the quality of life of the server then you will first get a warning. If you get complaints after the first warning then you will get a temp ban. If get complaints after the temp ban then it will result in a permanent ban
The amount of players needed for complaints will grow as the community grows

Check out the trailer:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jmLHqYkkIY&ab_channel=Minecraftian_nation