Owner lemonmc
Status offline
IP lemonmc.lol
Website https://lemon.tebex.io
Players 0/70
Version 1.19.3
Rank 17108
Votes 0
Uptime 100%
Last Check 3 minute(s) ago
Country Argentina
Types SurvivalEconomyBedrock

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LemonMC es un servidor en el cual puedes proteger tu propiedad de una manera sencilla, haciendo el survival mas basado en construccion y PvP al mismo tiempo. El servidor tiene warps y es muy completo.

LemonMC is a Spanish Minecraft survival server from Argentina. It allows you to protect your property in a simple way, thus making it easier to build while at the same time still allowing for PvP. The server is very much complete, supports offline-mode, and also has warps.