Status online
Players 0/200
Version 1.18.2
Rank 1850
Votes 0
Uptime 100%
Last Check 2 year(s) ago
Country United States
Types PvPSurvivalTowny

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About AMineCraft
AMineCraft is an old server that has just been resurrected.
This is a survival economy server. Not all features have been implemented yet, but I created the most essential things to publish the server.
There's work to be done, but you are given an opportunity to become a part of this server and watch as it evolves.

What can I do on AMineCraft?
- Explore our world and make friends!
- Create a town and turn it into a metropolis!
- Fight in our arenas and become a pvp champion!
- Team up in a game of Team Deathmatch!
- Kill the bosses and collect special items and charms!
- Master all the parkour mini challenge maps!